Tuesday 28 June 2016

One Year to Two Years – Moral and Spiritual Development

Even at two years, the child is still too young to understand abstract differences between right and wrong. The child still depends on approval and disapproval of those he /she loves. Being naughty is just because the child is not yet mature enough to control their behavior. Punishing the child is not of much use.

The best thing is to surround the child with goodness and mercy, that it may follow them all the days of their lives. No Sunday School or moral teaching in later years can take the place of those impressions made by the spirit of the child’s first world, the home. The home creates the type of ground that the seeds of moral teaching will fall on later in life, make the ground fertile in order to reap a hundred fold.

The child may exhibit anger, hatred, fear, jealousy and temper to others but may also show love, affection and kindness to those who appeal to their sympathy. They reflect the moods of those around them, mainly the family.

Help develop the child’s self confidence by encouraging them to do for themselves what they want to try. Impart a feeling of order in the child by showing them where things must be, start my making them arrange their own toys. Praise any small success and encourage any step in the right direction. The child may at this age be taught a simple prayer. For example, to give grace before and after meals.

ALWAYS REFRAIN from anger, irritability, impatience, in yourself and from arousing anxiety, or fear in the child. 

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